Friday, September 26, 2008

How' Everybody???

OK. So I gave the Cycle 2 test today and had a kid all excited because he made an F+!!!! Last time, he made a 38% and this time he made a 58%! Hey, it's all about growth, right?

For those of you new to InterActions, this is how it goes...The first few test grades will make you feel like jumping off a bridge, but it does get better! Hang tough!

As we move into Cycle 3, remember that this one zips by quickly. I plan to trot out my own little mini-version of interactive notebooking with this cycle. I will be having the kids work through Halloween-themed activities that mirror the activities in the book. We'll call it Monster Measurement and have some fun with it!

Dates to remember:
October 4--Interactive Notebooking in the InterActions Classroom. You will love, love, love this workshop! It will start at 9:30 and be done by noon so we can go play...Three teachers will demonstrate an upcoming InterActions lesson using Notebooking. It should be realllllly cool!

October 11--Follow-up Workshop. This one is especially for new InterActions teachers, but anyone is welcome. We will be working through the next few activities and looking at lab set-ups. There will be experienced InterActions teachers there to walk us through it. This one will also start at 9:30 and officially end at noon, but I will stick around as long as anybody wants to be comfortable with upcoming lessons.

Both of these are on signmeup.

Please send in your good ideas and helpful hints to share with other InterActions teachers. Together, we do a pretty good job!!!!!!!!


Your Monkey

Friday, September 19, 2008

Here are a few of the great tips Susan L. has found about using Interactive Notebooks with InterActions:

1. Make it personal – allow students to put a photo of themselves on the front page
2. New cover page at the beginning of each unit – students color corner to corner (no markers) with at least three pictures that represent the unit.
3. Reference specific pages in a student’s notebook when talking about ideas for others Interactive notebook to see.
4. She recommends homework – student numbering the pages of their notebook, then students peer review for the grade.
5. She numbers bottom right for odd pages, bottom left for even.
6. Title and date in the upper right (odd) or left (even)
7. She has a right side/left side table of contents
8. Homework first week – have students read the insets and highlight, underline and write questions on sticky notes about the procedures
9. Uses the notebook for parent conferences.
10. Students create flip pages if they run out of room and need to write more than is available on

one page.

There are a million more that Susan is ready to share! Come see how teachers are using these notebooks in OCPS InterActions classes!

My Virgin Blog

Oh my Gosh!!! I love my new webpage and I'm hoping all my InterActions friends can find me here!!! Thanks, Leyla, for setting me up. Now if only I can learn how to use it......
Hi All!
Here are some things to whet your appetite for Interactive Notebooking in InterActions. Check out the attachments. I got several good things from Melissa Workman and Susan Leeds. These go with Cycle 2 and will be great review!!!
There are still some slots open for the Interactive Notebooking Workshop on Saturday, October 4. Melissa, Susan and Daniel Sapp will be walking us through InterActions lessons using the notebooks. We will meet from 9:30 til noon and then mosey off somewhere for a fun lunch. I think it will be a blast! Go to signmeup to register!

Link to stored videos: (work in progress!)

Just Cuz I Can...

Here fishy fishy.... (this is youtube so if you can't see it that's why)

Good Morning All!

It's Friday! Whew!

1. In case you are one of the unlucky few who have not gotten your workbooks, they were shipped out to the depository yesterday. This sad saga will soon be coming to an end.

2. For those of you interested in the possibility of replacing our workbooks with interactive notebooks in the future, we are having another Notebooking Workshop. This time, three of our InterActions teachers will model for us how they use the notebook in InterActions lessons. Susan Leeds, Daniel Sapp and the ever-entertaining Melissa Workman will each take us through an entire lesson. This will be at Howard MS on Saturday, Oct. 4. We meet from 9:30- noon. Check it out on signmeup!

3. If you are a new InterActions teacher, we will be having a follow-up workshop on Saturday, Oct. 11 at Howard. We will discuss how Unit 1 is going and try out some of the lessons from upcoming unit 2. I'm not sure if this is on signmeup yet, but watch for it!!

4. I went skydiving last week-end and made a video to go along with gravitational interactions. It's pretty funny. I would be happy to share if some techie-geek would tell me the best way to do it.

Have a great week-end, everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!